Just wanted to share some feedback for you volunteers who give it your best every weekend. You don't always see the immediate impact of your work but here are a few examples to fire you up!
Two comments left on Facebook recently:
David Spencer wrote: I am so proud of William (my 5 yr. old son). He announced that Darth Vader does not scare him because God is on his side. Wow!
Crystal Greene wrote: It's amazing the impact CATB has had on my family. Just yesterday Kaylee and Hannah had a 20 minute conversation about a song we have heard 1,000 times before on the radio but now the song has a whole new meaning for me I never realized before...Long Black Train by Josh Turner...Hannah said the devil drives the train and Jesus saves people so they don't get on and ride with the devil...I'm so proud. Thx CATB!
When Brian Heckman saw this last one, he sent an email to some of the volunteers in those classes: I hope Crystal’s comment keeps your personal passion going for what YOU do by serving other people’s kids at church. Personally, my naturally-selfish 1st choice for Sunday mornings is FAR from waking up/leaving home early to serve at church. But I get WILDLY ENCOURAGED through comments like Crystal’s, when God shows up SO CLEARLY around us, and literally plucks people off one path and sets them down on His path...using ordinary people like you guys to do it. Its times like these that I’m glad I get out of bed early on Sundays, and ask God to use me however/wherever. So don’t miss God moving here…what you, personally, do on Sundays is obviously a huge part of changing this family in massive ways. And, our kids are watching/learning from us making such a huge difference for Christ.
Hope this encourages you to keep doing what you're doing. All of you are making an impact and here's the proof!