Whether you are a parent or a volunteer, you are shaping the lives of kids in very permanent ways. Remember carving your initials in wet cement when you were a kid? When they poured a new sidewalk piece at my parent's house in Pennsylvania, we got our kids out there and they each put a hand print and their name on one section of the walkway. Many years later when Mom and Dad moved to Florida, those prints were still there.
Every day and every weekend you are imprinting kids with information about God. On Monday one of our leaders met a family that had visited our church on Easter weekend. They have a 3 year old little girl and they were raving about the fact that their daughter can still remember her memory verse from that Easter Sunday- and its July! I'm telling you, your influence is powerful, probably more than you realize.
This coming weekend you will again make an impression on some kid that will last for years. And statistics show that a kid's world view is pretty well set by the time they reach 12 years of age. Let's make a mark for God while the cement is still wet. Thanks for being such a Difference Maker!