Of course we hate to see kids crying at church but last week I got very excited when it happened. One of our volunteer families was helping with the gym set-up and had their young boy with them. It was time to leave and he pitched a fit. He didn't want to go. Mom tried to console him but he kept saying, "But I want to go to church, Mommy."
When I heard that I did a Tiger Woods fist pump. That's the kind of environment I want to create, where kids fuss about having to leave church. Sure beats my experience as a child, huh?
I guess I say it too much but you guys that serve with BayKids fulfill our mission statement every weekend by being a Difference Maker. You have made God and church a vital part of the life of a boy who is only 3 years old. How cool is that?! Imagine what kind of Christ follower he might turn out to be! I love working with you guys. Let's nail it again this weekend.