Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What more could a guy want- a huge turkey dinner and football on TV! If you can't be thankful for that, you've got issues. But quite honestly, as much fun as those things are, they really don't express my gratitude for so many more important things. Like my family, my health, the fact that I get to serve in a great church with some of the best people on the planet, and that's just a start.

But even as valuable as those things are, there is one thing for which my gratitude can never do justice. It is the one thing that I need more than anything else and without which I have no hope and no future. I cannot provide it for myself and yet I am hopeless without it. It is the greatest gift I could ever receive. It is FORGIVENESS.

Without God's forgiveness, nothing else matters. If I don't have that, I have nothing of any value. And since God offers it so freely, I could easily take it for granted. And given the price He had to pay for it, my gratitude seems feeble and insignificant. But it is all I can offer.

And so on this Thanksgiving Day, I say, "Thank You, God, for forgiving me and letting me into Your family." And now I'll go and enjoy my turkey and football!